Burdwan University 3 years LL.B 2012 Family law 2 question and answers

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paper of law from University of Burdwan. We already have shared Torts and
Jurisprudence question paper of Burdwan University. Today we are going to share
family law 2 question paper. In future we are also going to share the share the
answers with you. As this is a family law, we take no responsibility of
accuracy of the answers. Please consider this as answer writing pattern but we
try our best to maintain the accuracy of the content. Family law 2 will cover
topics like pre age, schools, marriage(Nikaha), Dower(Mahr), succession etc. In
exam pattern there exist 10 questions.
From 2014 exam pattern has been changed . Now you have to attend 4
questions of each 20 marks. Hope this information will help you. Feel free to
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Family law II (Muslim personal law)
Year: 2012
Duration: 3 Hours Total marks: 100
Answer any five questions among ten questions
1. “Qur’an and Sunna are the basis and foundation of Muslim Law”-
Discuss [20 Marks]
2. Explain the main provisions of the Shariat Act. 1937. How
it affects the textual Musim Law? [20 Marks]
3. What are the essentials of a valid marriage according to
Muslim Law? What type of marriages are prohibited under Muslim Law? [20 Marks]
4. Write a note on Talaq-ul-Sunnat and Talaq-ul-biddat. Why
do the Muslim jurists regard the latter as disapproved? [20 Marks]
5. Discuss the essential requisite of a valid waqf. Write a
note on Private waqf. [20 Marks]
6. Discuss the general principles of inheritance, under Sunni
law, with illustrations. [20 Marks]
7. Explain the term Mahr. Discuss the differences between
Sunni and Shia laws relating to dower. [20 Marks]
8. Define Hiba. Discuss the differences between Hiba and
Sadqa. [20 Marks]
9. Write short notes on any two of the following.
(a) Option of Puberty [10x2= 20 Marks]
(b) Talaq and Tafwid
(c) Muta marriage
(d) Musha
10. Discuss the importance of Sunni schools in the
development of Muslim Law. [20 Marks]
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Burdwan University 2012 Family law 1 question paper PDF
{N.B: we can not guarantee any accuracy of the content
posted here. You may consider this as sample question paper.}