Burdwan University 3 years LL.B 2012 Torts question and answers
Friends from this month we have started posting study materials related to legal education i.e. law. Today’s topic will cover an important ...

Friends from this month we have started posting study
materials related to legal education i.e. law. Today’s topic will cover an
important topic i.e. Torts. Torts means civil wrong. Cases which may be
considered as civil wrong as trespassing , defamation , negligence etc. in this
article we are going to provide you some questions which is part of famous
University i.e. University of Burdwan. Our intention is to provide you ten
years questions but it is quiet difficult to have them . the sooner we have
access to the questions we will share this with you. Today we are going to
share with you just 2012 First semester torts questions. 2012 torts questions
is little different from current one. Now written exam paper is of 80 marks but
2012 paper is of 100 marks. Hope this little information will help you.
Law of Torts Year: 2012
Duration: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
[ Attend 3 questions from Group- A, One question from Gropu-
B and Group –C ]
Group –A
1. “A tort is a species of civil injury or wrong. Although a
tort is a civil injury, not all civil injuries are torts” –Discuss. [20 marks]
2. Discuss the master’s liability to third persons for torts
of his servent. Differentiate between ‘servant’ and ‘Independent contractor’. [20
3. What are judicial and extra-judicial remedies for torts? State
the judicial remedies available in torts. [20 marks]
4. What is negligence? What are the essentials of a suit for
negligence? What are the defences to an action for negligence? [20 marks]
5. what is nuisance? Under what circumstances may an
individual have a right of action in respect of a public nuisance? [20 marks]
6. What is Res ipsa loquitur? What are the conditions for the
maxim? Illustrate. [20 marks]
Group –B
7. Define any five of the following: [5x4=20 Marks]
A Appropriate laboratory
B Manufaturer
C Unfair trade practice
D Consumer
E Restrictive trade practice
F Defect
G Complaint
8. (a) State the jurisdiction of the national commission.
(b) State the procedure of preferring an appeal against an
order made by the state commission to the National Commission.
Group –C
9. Define any five of the following [5x4=20Marks]
(a) Conductor
(b) Certificate of registration
(c) Goods
(d) Driver
(e) Dealer
(f) Omnibus
(g) Private service vehicle
(h) Owner
10. What is the necessity for registration under the Motor
Vehicle Act, 1988? Discuss the provisions of temporary registration and
transfer of ownership under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. [20 marks]
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{N.B: we can not guarantee any accuracy of the content
posted here. You may consider this as sample question paper.}