Top 10 genuine trusted Indian survey panel list part time jobs for students
We all are living in the technological world. Nowadays most of people are smart phone users and uses internet on their smart phone. To use...
We all are living in the technological world. Nowadays most
of people are smart phone users and uses internet on their smart phone. To use
data you need to pay price but what if you pay that price with little online
part time work. Internet is full of part time work place but some are genuine
and some are fake . if you spend little time on every site then you can know
which website is genuine or not. Online survey is a kind of part time job which
you can do in your spare time. One thing you need to remember that this kind of
online job is not a get rich job. For completing a job you receive sufficient
survey reward amount which will be added to your account which later you can
claim when account balance reaches a certain amount. Different genuine online
payments like Paypal, Paytm, freecharge are available which you can use to
redeem. Gift vouchers like Flipkart, Amazon are also available. By reading this
post you will learn about the genuine online survey sites which are paying to
their panel members for a long period of time.
Viewpoint panel:
Their tagline is very simple “Earn rewards by voicing your
opinion”. Joining to the survey panel is completely free. To join this survey
panel first thing you need a email(Eg: Gmail). Joining link to the view point
panel is given below. After visiting the registration page complete the
registration form (Always remember honesty is the best policy, if you give
false information then your account may be suspended by viewpoint panel). After completing registration you may have to
verify your email id. Onece you complete this step the first important task you
need to do is to complete the basic profile. Once you complete your profile, within
a week you start receiving survey. Survey value can be upto $5. You may not be
able to complete all survey that were sent to you as they put some demographic
criterion, quota full etc. They also have fast payment reputation. Most famous
payment option is Paypal. Once your account have 1$12.5 you can request for a
Click here to see the recent payment proof of Viewpointpanel
Toluna India :
Toluna is an international survey panel. They welcome Indian
panelist to join their survey panel. If you search on Google Toluna India you
will find their survey panel. There are many ways to earn from survey panel.
For completing a survey you can earn from rupees 10 to 200. Once your account
have rupees 500 or 50000 points in your account then you can claim reward as
Flipkart gift voucher, Paypal payment to transfer money to your bank account.
Like other survey panel they also have some basic requirements like your mobile
number, email id and you must be an adult to join in Toluna survey panel.
The Panel Station:
The most popular Indian and international survey panel. The
panel station is paying to its panelist for more than 8 years non stop. To join
in the survey panel, first you need to have a verified email address.
Registration link to join in TPS is given in below link. First you need to fill
up the registration form and then verify your link. Then you have to complete
your basic profile. You will start receiving survey with in a week of joining.
They are very strict regarding the quality of survey. So if you give false
information to the panel station survey panel then they can suspend your
account. They have different payment options like Paypal, freecharge, Amazon.
Once you have 3000 points in your account then you can redeem from your
account. Payments are not instant but you get payment within one month.
Global test market:
Global test market is also a genuine paying online survey
sites . it is an Indian international online survey site. You can say it is
wold’s largest online survey panel. For joining this site you need to visit
their official website. Remember joining to global testmarket is completely
free. Just fill up the registration form.
You will start receiving survey within few days of registration. There are
many payment options like Paypal, Flipkart, Amazon etc.
Viewfruit India:
The survey panel launched almost 5 years ago in India. They also
have android app. Which you can use to participate online survey. Visit their
official website and complete registration form. After registration you have to complete their
basic profile to receive survey. The more complete basic profile the more you
receive survey. At present they only have Paypal as payment options.
Ipanel Online:
Many ways to earn from this site. For daily visit you will
earn rupee one. For sharing daily vies you start receiving reward. Visit their
official website and complete registration form to join in ipanel online India.
Mobile number and email id is must have requirements to join this site. Paypal
is the only payment options for Indian panelist. Minimum payment amount is
rupees 200. During every payment request you have to verify your mobile number
by entering an OTP.
Click here to see the recent payment proof of Ipanel online
Opinion Bureau:
One of the best trusted survey panel in India. You will get
approximately 5 to 10 survey every month. Survey value range from 15 to 150
rupees. Visit their official website and click join now button and fill the
form. After joining don’t forget to complete basic survey profile as based on
this profile you will receive survey in your email.
Click here to see the recent payment proof of Opinionbureau
Launched in 2008. Af first it was an advertising website. And
since 2017 they have complete changed their business and now they are a survey
only website. Minimum payment threshold is $10. For completing a survey you may
get upto $5. Payment options like Payza, Paytoo, payoneer are available.
Click here to see the recent payment proof of Clixsense
Visit their official website to join.
Starpanel is partnered with Cint survey panel. Starpanel in
only for Indian people. Their minimum payment threshold is just rupees 100. You
will get your reward as flipkart gift voucher.recently they have changed their
name to telly pulse survey panel.
Click here to see the recent payment proof of Starpanel
Hope this article is helpful to you. If you have anything to
ask, feel free to ask in comment section. You are requested not to spam in
comment section.