Can I submit xml and rss/atom sitemap both for a single blogspot domain?
To bring transparency as well as quick service, people are
rushing towards world wide web. Most of us aware of social media and many of us
uses it regularly. When we need something we search in either Google or other
search engine and we visit any site from the search result. Have you ever
thought how Google knows about what site contain what information. Google knows
about any site with the help of sitemap. Websites and blog owners submit their
sitemap on Google webmaster and google bot crawls all information. Go through the article and you will get to
know everything about it. topic: Can I submit xml and rss/atom sitemap both for a single blogspot domain?
What is sitemap?
A sitemap is a file which contains all URL of your website
or blog with post update and modification information. Search engines like
Google , Bing uses it to index your site post and show them on search results.
Why do I need to submit sitemap to search engine?
Hosting and search are not same but both are dependent to
each other and not linked directly. First you need to create a sitemap for your site or blog(which contain
all URL of your site). Then submit sitemap to search engine. Search engines
then index those links and display them on search result.
Types of sitemap:
From the previous sitemap you have learned what sitemap
is. Now from this section you know about
types of sitemap. There are mainly two types of sitemap (1) RSS/atom (2) xml. Most
popular type of sitemap is xml. A brief discussion about two types of sitemap
have been done on the following section.
Xml sitemap:
This type of sitemap contains more URL than RSS/atom. In a
single sitemap 50,000 URL can be submitted for index. Maximum xml file size
permitted is 10MB. Blogger or blogspot automatically creates sitemap for your
Example: for non https site
For site with https
RSS/atom sitemap:
You can say that it is an old type of sitemap. Only RSS/atom
supported sites can submit this type of sitemap. The main disadvantage of
RSS/atom is that a single sitemap can only carry 500 URL. For more than 500 URL
you need to submit another sitemap which index URL 501 to 1000.
Can I use xml and RSS/atom sitemap together for a site?
Most of us think what sitemap should I use. RSS/atom or xml
and which one to use for better indexing. Google webmaster officially announced
in 2014 that you can use both of them for a domain. If you are using other
platform like wordpress then you must use xml sitemap.
Click here to see Google webmaster official announcement to optimize sitemap efficiently.
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