Burdwan University Labour and Industrial law LL.B 2014 fourth semester exam question papers and sample answers

Paper 3.4.4
Candidates are required to give answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Group :A
Answer any four questions from Group A
1. (a) What is Industrial dispute under the Industrial
dispute Act 1947?
(b) Can an Industrial dispute be raised by individual
workmen? Give reason.
(c)What do you mean by workman under the Industrial disputes
(d) Is teacher of an educational Institution workman? (6+5+5+4=20)
2. Discuss the provisions of the industrial disputesAct regarding
reference of dispute. +20
3. (a) Who can be appointed as the Presiding officer of
labour court?
(b) Discuss the power and functions of labour court. (4+16=20)
4. (a)Distinguish between lockout and closure.
(b) Discuss the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act
regarding close down of undertaking under chapter V-A. (5+15=20)
5. Discuss the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act
regarding retrenchment.
6. Discuss the provisions of the Industrial Disputes ACt
regarding prohibition illegality and penalties of strikes. +20
7. Discuss the provisions of layoff under the V-A of the
Industrial Disputes Act. +20
8. Write short notes on the following
(a) Employer under the Industrial Disputes Act
(b) Protected workman
(c) Appropriate Government.
Group :B (Answer any one)
9. Discuss the rights and liabilities of a registered trade
union under the Trade Union Act. +20
10. (a) What do you mean by trade disputes under the Trade
Union Act.
(b) Who are workman under the said Act?
(c) Write a brief note on trade union and collective
bargaining. (6+4+10=20)