Burdwan University Law of Evidence LL.B 2018 second semester exam question papers and sample answers

3 Years LL.B(H) 2nd Semester Examination 2018
Subject name: Law of Crimes: Criminal Procedure Code
Paper: 3.2.5
Exam Duration: 3 Hours Total marks: 80
Answer any four among eight questions
1. (a) Which sentences High Court and Session Judjes may pass?
(b) Which sentences
Magistrate may pass? – Discuss (10+10=20)
2. (a) Under which section of the code of Criminal procedure
can a Police Officer arrest a person without warrant? –Explain
(b) Discuss the provisions of CrPC relating to arrest by a
(c) What are the essential particulars of warrant of arrest? –
Explain (10+5+5=20)
3. (a) Discuss in your own language the provisions as mentioned
in section 107 CrPC.
(b) Discuss in your own language the provisions as mentioned
in section 110 CrPC.
4. (a) What are the basic requirements for entitlement of
maintenance as per the provisions of section 125 CrPC ? – Discuss
(b) Describe the procedure of maintenance proceeding. (15+5=20)
5. (a) What steps are to be taken when an accused is found of
absconding? Explain the procedure.
(b) What is search warrant and under what circumstances can a
criminal court issue a search warrant? – Explain.
(c) State the procedure for search of a person wrongfully
confined. (8+7+5=20)
6. Discuss in detail the procedure when investigation can not
be completed in twenty foue hours. (+20)
7. (a) What is meant by “First Information Report”?
(b) When a magistrate is required to stop investigation and
discharge the accused for delay in investigation? – Explain.
(c) What is 164 statement? At what stage such statement can be
(d) What is general rule regarding the place of trial of an
offence under CrPC 1973?
8. (a) When bail may be taken in case of non bailable offence?
– Discuss
(b) Discuss special powers of High Court or Court of session
regarding bail. (15+5=20)