Burdwan University Human rights LL.B 2014 fourth semester exam question papers and sample answers

Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                    Full marks: 100

Answer any five questions

1. (a) Define the term "Human Rights" as defined by the Protection of Human Rights ACt 1993

    (b) Discuss the essential elements of Human Rights. 6+14=20

2. Discuss the role of the United Nations in the protection and promotion of Human Rights. +20

3. Discuss the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. +20
4. Compare and contrast the rights contained in International Covenant on Civil and Political rights and International covenant on Economic Social and Cultural rights with the Indian Constitution. +20

5. Write short notes on the following

    (a) Human rights Council

    (b) Right to education as Human Rights 10+10 =20

6. State the composition Power and functions of the National Human Rights Commission. +20

7. Is there any difference between the Human Rights and the Fundamental Rights of the Indian Constitution? Are all fundamental rights Human rights? Justify your answers with decided cases. +20

8. Examine the role of International and National NGO'sin protection of Human Rights. +20

9. Discuss the conceptual and historical development of Human Rights in international arena. +20

10. Discuss the role of the Supreme Court and different High courts of India for protecting the rights of children in India. +20


Law question and answer for Knowledge 3579441225883639955

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