Burdwan University Law of Evidence LL.B 2018 second semester exam question papers and sample answers

3 Years LL.B(H) 2nd Semester Examination 2018
Subject name: Law of Evidence
Paper: 3.2.6
Exam Duration: 3 Hours Total marks: 80
Answer any four among eight questions
1. What do you mean by “may presume”, “shall presume” and
conclusive proof? (+20)
2. When facts not otherwise relevant become relevant under
the Indian Evidence Act?(+20)
3. Discuss the doctrine of Estoppel and its application with relevant provisions of the Indian Evidence Act.(+20)
4. Discuss the concept of “Res gestae” with relevant
provisions of the Indian Evidence Act. (+20)
5. Distinguish between primary evidence and secondary
evidence. State the case where secondary evidence is admissible under the
Indian Evidence Act. (+20)
6. “Onus of proof shifts from one party to the other but
burden of proof remains constant”
–Discuss (+20)
7. What do you mean by leading questions? When leading
question must not be asked? Who is a hostile witness? What do you mean by
refreshing memory? (5+5+5+5=20)
8. Write short notes on the following(answer any four) (5x4=20)
(i) Fact
(ii) Examination in chief and cross examination
(iii) Confession
(iv) Dumb witness
(v) Alibi