Industrial management sample important Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
Industrial Management, the name says that it is a way of managing the business or industry. By learning industrial management you will be ...
Industrial Management, the name says that it is a way of
managing the business or industry. By learning industrial management you will
be familiar with business leadership and how to handle your business properly. Industrial
Management is an important topic that has to read in order to familiarize with
the business. This subject is a compulsory subject for all B.E and B.Tech
degree students. Learning industrial Management you will familiarize yourself
with Basic concept of management, Principal function of Management, Structure
of management decision making process, organization structure, communication
system, managing human factors in business and industry, planning, organizing
etc. Some important MCQs are given below hope this will help you a lot.
Industrial management Important MCQs
(1) Recognition of need and ends with customer satisfaction is
the main aim of-
Answer: Marketing
(2) What is the main aim of Management?
Answer: Effective utilization of human and material
(3) The rate of change of working hands of particular
organization during a given period is known as –
Answer: Employee turnover
(4) The term MBO is known as –
Answer: Management by Objective
(5) Name the person who professed Hygienic theory of Motivation?
Answer: Herzberg
(6) Who is popularly known as “The Father of Modern Management”?
Answer: F.W Taylor
(7) In which year the Union Trade Act was passed?
Answer: 1926
(8) How many members are required for registration of trade
Answer: 5
(9) Productivity can be defined as a ratio of –
Answer: Output to input
(10) Financial management deals with –
Answer: Procurement and Utilization of Fund
(11) Who is the fourteen profounder of principle of management?
Answer: Henry Foyol
(12) When authority flows from the top executives to the lower
level of employees, it is known as –
Answer: Functional organization
(13) What is project production?
Answer: The production which has definite beginning and
definite end is known as project production.
(14) Does packing fall in Marketing Mix?
Answer: No
(15) Which method of analysis is used for determining criticality
of items?
Answer: VED Analysis
(16) Mechanization of material handling increases –
Answer: Efficiency and economy in handling
(17) Is investment is a part of working capital?
Answer: No
(18) Sales of Goods refers to –
Answer: Transfer of title and place of goods
(19) Contribution is the difference between
Answer: Sales and variable cost
(20) Who is the profounder of Theory X and Theory Y?
Answer: Douglas Mc Greger
(21) Industrial Disputes Act was passed in which year?
Answer: 1977
(22) Who professed need hierarchical Theory of Motivation?
Answer: Douglas Mc Greger
(23) What will happen in productivity of if input decreases and
the output remain same?
Answer: Productivity will decrees
(24) What is the main principle of Total Quality Management?
Continious improvement of product and customer satisfaction.
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