could not complete your request photoshop because a sofn dqt or dht jpeg makes is missing [solved]

 sofn, dqt, or dht jpeg maker is missing before a jpg sos marker”

could not complete your request photoshop because a sofn dqt or dht jpeg makes is missing
some times we need to download image from whatsapp , Facebook or Instagram and need to edit them properly for good looking image. To do so we need an image editor. One of the best editor is no doubt the Phtoshop . 
But sometimes while editing the downloaded image from whats app in photoshop we encounter an error stating that “could not complete your request photoshop because a sofn dqt or dht jpeg makes is missing” and you can not proceed further without solving this error.
But you need to edit those images badly. Here I have given a simple solution to edit your image without any error message in photoshop.
Open the image in MsPaint
Save the image in Jpeg or PNG format with new name
Now open the image in photoshop and you will see no error message this time.
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