Burdwan University Property Law LL.B 2018 third semester exam question papers and sample answers

3 Years LL.B(H) 3rd Semester Examination 2018
Subject name: Property Law
Paper: 3.3.1
Exam Duration: 3 Hours Total
marks: 80
Answer any 3 questions from Group A and One question from
Group B as far as possible in own words
Group A
1. What is Mortgage? What are the various types of Mortgages?
( 5+15=20)
2. What do you understand by vested interest? Make a
distinction between vested interest and contingent interest. (5+15=20)
3. What is the definition of immovable property? Explain in
view of relevant provisions under the Transfer of Property Act 1882 and General
Clauses Act 1897. (20)
4. What are the different modes of making a lease? Describe
about the modes of determination of lease. (10+10=20)
5. Write short notes on (10+10=20)
(a) Onerous Gift
(b) Universal donee
6. What do you understand by the term exchange? What are the
essentials of valid exchange? Make distinction between sale and exchange. (5+5+10=20)
Group B
7. (a) Briefly
describe about dominant heritage and servient heritage.
(b)What do you
understand by revocation of easement? (10+10=20)
8. Briefly describe about essentials of easement? What do you
understand by the term “Profit a pendre”? Compare and Contrast between Easement
and Natural rights. (10+4+6=20)