Burdwan University JURISPRUDENCE LL.B 2018 first semester exam question papers and sample answers
Subject: Jurisprudence Paper code: 3.1.1 Full Marks: 80 ...

Subject: Jurisprudence
Paper code: 3.1.1
Full Marks: 80 Duration: 3 hours
Answer any four of eight questions
1. “Jurisprudence is a study relating to LAW”- Discuss the
statement in the light of scope and utilities of studying Jurisprudence.
2. Discuss the essential ingredients of a valid custom.
3. Discuss the various theories of punishment along with
criticisms against these theories.
4. Discuss the “social engineering” theory of Roscoe Pound
5. Define ‘Right’. What are the elements of legal right.
6. Define ownership. Distinguish between ownership and possession.
7. “Law is the command of the sovereign” –Discuss.
8. Write short notes on(Any two out of three)
(a) Artificial person
(b) Natural Law
(c) Legal status of a unborn person