Try new TRAI MySpeed App to measure your internet speed on smart phone
It will be hard to find a person who is unaware of internet and Android nowadays. Most people now use data pack in their smart phone. 2G i...
It will be hard to find a person who is unaware of internet
and Android nowadays. Most people now use data pack in their smart phone. 2G is
the most popular internet pack in India. Every person pays the same price for
data but not everyone is lucky to get same speed. As an example a person
suppose recharge Rs.100 2G data pack and when he is in City location he gets an
average speed of 20 KBps but when he is in out of city i.e. village he gets the
speed half the speed he received in city. So the user is not getting the speed
he deserves. Do you know that when your mobile phone you give service tax to
your Government. So the government has the responsibility to ensure that
telecom operators are giving better service to customers. Is is a tough task
for TRAI to track network conditions of user and to solve such problems TRAI
developed an app which will help them to identify telecom operators network
conditions. The article will describe what is the importance of this app,
download link to download the app, how to use the app.
What this app does?
The basic motto of this app is to test data speed in your
phone and send the data (it claims that no personal info is collected) to TRAI.
The data includes network coverage, network providers name, data speed, GPS
location of test spot.
Where can I found the app download link?
This is great initiative made by TRAI. It is expected that
this initiative will upgrade the network and benefit the customers. The app can be downloaded from mgov app store
and google play store for free. Following links will direct you to the MySpeed
app download page.
MGOV download link: Click here to DOWNLOAD
Play store download link: Click here to DOWNLOAD
How to use the app?
Hope you have downloaded the app from app store or google
play store and installed in your phone. Now run MySpeed app just like you ran
other app. At the beginning it scans the network operators and it gives option
to test the speed. When the test is completed then statistics page will display
network statistics with operator name, display up and download speed and option
to send data to TRAI.
App details at a glance:
App Name: MySpeed (TRAI)
Android version required to run the app: 4.3 and above
Price: The app is completely free to download