Top 10 countries with highest number of muslim population with rate of growth

Top 10 countries with highest number of muslim population with rate of growth

Top 10 countries with the highest Muslim population along with their growth rates:

Indonesia: With over 230 million Muslims, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. The growth rate has been steady due to a high birth rate.

Pakistan: Pakistan has a substantial Muslim population of around 200 million, with a moderate growth rate.

India: India's Muslim population exceeds 180 million, and it has experienced moderate growth over the years.

Bangladesh: Bangladesh has over 150 million Muslims, and its growth rate has been consistent due to its large population.

Nigeria: Nigeria's Muslim population is around 90 million, and it's growing rapidly due to high birth rates.

Egypt: Egypt has approximately 85 million Muslims, and its growth rate has been relatively stable.

Iran: Iran's Muslim population is about 83 million, and its growth rate has been decreasing due to factors like lower birth rates and government policies.

Turkey: Turkey has around 82 million Muslims, and its growth rate has been declining in recent years.

Algeria: Algeria's Muslim population is roughly 42 million, and its growth rate has been decreasing.

Morocco: With a Muslim population of about 35 million, Morocco's growth rate has been declining due to demographic changes.

If you'd like further details, please specify which countries you'd like more information about, and I can provide additional insights.


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