How to make 1kg of npk 19 19 19 from urea single super phosphate and murate of potash

How to make 1kg of npk 19 19 19 from urea single super phosphate and murate of potash

To create 1kg of NPK 19-19-19 fertilizer using urea, single super phosphate, and muriate of potash, you'll need to calculate the amounts of each ingredient required based on their respective nutrient percentages.

NPK 19-19-19 fertilizer contains 19% nitrogen (N), 19% phosphorus (P2O5), and 19% potassium (K2O). Here's how you can calculate the amounts of each ingredient needed:

Urea (46% N):
Since you need 19% nitrogen in the final mix, you'll need:
(19 / 46) * 1000g of Urea = ~413g of Urea

Single Super Phosphate (18% P2O5):
Since you need 19% phosphorus in the final mix, you'll need:
(19 / 18) * 1000g of Single Super Phosphate = ~1056g of Single Super Phosphate

Muriate of Potash (60% K2O):
Since you need 19% potassium in the final mix, you'll need:
(19 / 60) * 1000g of Muriate of Potash = ~317g of Muriate of Potash

From the above calculations you can make any amount of NPK 19:19:19 fertilizer.

Please note that these calculations are based on the nutrient percentages in the fertilizers. In reality, fertilizers may contain impurities or filler materials that can affect the exact amounts needed. It's also important to handle fertilizers safely and follow recommended application rates for your specific plants and soil conditions.


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