Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar most popular quotes list
Ishwar chandra vidyasagar most popular quotes list
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a prominent Bengali philosopher, social reformer, and educator during the 19th century in India. Here are some popular quotes attributed to him:
1. "Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man."
(Only proper and good Shiksha can make a best human)
2. "He who wishes to serve his country must begin by studying its language."
(If any one wish to serve his country then it must be started with learning his mother tongue)
3. "Society can never progress unless women are educated."
4. "Books are the best friends of human beings."
5. "Never try to suppress a woman's voice; let her opinions be heard."
These quotes reflect Vidyasagar's emphasis on education, social reform, and gender equality. They highlight his commitment to empowering individuals through knowledge and his belief in the importance of women's education and rights.