Burdwan University Alternate dispute resolution LL.B 2016 sixth semester exam question papers and sample answers

Burdwan University offers three years LLB and the syllabus is in accordance with the syllabus of Bar Council of India and UGC. Following are question of 3 years LLB (H) of 2016.

Subject: Alternate dispute resolution

Exam duration: 3 hours                                                                          Total marks: 80

Group A (Answer any three from this section)

Q1. State the grounds on which the arbitral award can be set aside (+20)

Q2. What do you mean by “foreign award” as per section 44 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996? State the conditions for enforcement of foreign awards as per Geneva Convention. (4+16)

Q3. State the grounds on which an Arbitration proceeding can be terminated. (+20)

Q4. Discuss the procedure for the appointment of arbitrators under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. (+20)

Q5. State the interim measures which can be taken by the court under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. (+20)

Q6. Discuss the role of conciliator under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Group B(Answer any one from this section)

Q7. Explain briefly the constitution, power and function of National Legal Services Authority under the Legal Services Authorities Act 198. (+20)

Q8. Discuss about the organization of Lok Adalats. Write about the cognizance of case by Lok Adalats (10+10)



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