What is Ceiling Area? Raiyat definition under West Bengal Land Reform Act 1955

The land of golden bird was attacked several times before
1947. The original residents of Bharat Bhumi lost their rites to hold their own
land. In this period zamindars collected tax from the Indian civilians for
holding and using the lands for agricultural purposes but after getting power
transfer from the british the , the newly formed government realised that most
of the land ownership is in the hands of Zamindar people. Because of this the
government brought Zamindari abolition Act in 1948. Later conducted cadestrial
survey. The intention of the government was to distribute the land so that the
land less people get chance to get some land but the rich people tried to get
more land ,so the state legislature of West Bengal brought an Act named West
Bengal Land Reform Act 1955 which actually imposed the land holding limit.
In this lesson I
shall discus about the ceiling area which is mentioned West Bengal Land Reform
Act with that I shall also discuss about the provisions related to ceiling area.
What is ceiling
area under West Bengal Land Reform Act ?
The definition of ceiling area is mentioned in section 14K
of West Bengal Land Reform Act 1955.
According to section 14K ceiling area means the quantity of
land which a raiyat can own or hold.
In West Bengal the ceiling area is 7 standard hector subject
to terms and conditions which will be discussed in later paragraph.
What is a Raiyat?
In simple words Raiyat means the owner of land.
Can a Raiyat hold land beyond ceiling area?
According to section 14L of West Bengal Land Reform Act
1955, no Raiyat shall be permitted to own any land beyond the ceiling area as
mentioned in section 14M of WesT Bengal Land Reform Act 1955.
But there exist
some exception to the general rule which has been mentioned in Sub-section 14Q,
section 14Y and sub-section (2) of section 14Z. The State Government has the
power to increase the ceiling area.
Adult unmarried person ------------- 2.5 Standard Hecter
Sole surviving member -------------- 2.5 Standard Hecter
5>= Raiyat family member >=2 -------------- 5.0
Standard Hecter
Raiyat family member >5 ----------- 7.0 StandardHecter