West Bengal Land measuring unit and their relation

The constitution of India has given legislative power to both Union and State Government. Seventh schedule of Constitution of India, state list entry 18 gives right to State Government to make law related to land , like transfer, revenue, mutation etc. . The West Bengal Land Reform Act was enacted in the year 1955 but was published in the official Gazette in 30th March 1956.

Land measuring process is not same in every state of India. Different places have different procedure to measure land. Generally the above measurements are considered while measuring lands in West Bengal.

West Bengal Land measuring unit and their relation

1 Bigha =
20 Katha
1 Acre =
2.49 or 3 Bigha
1 Hectre =
2.47 Acre
1 Katha =
720 SqFt
1 Acre =
100 decimal
1 Chattak =
180 SqFt
1 Bigha =
33 decimal (in town area)
1 Bigha =
40 decimal (rural area)


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