Environment Protection Act 1986 question Answers and overview

Q1. How many sections are there in Environment protection
Act 1986?
Ans: 26 sections
Q2. What is the reason to enact Environment protection Act
Ans: The main purpose was to implement the decisions of the
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and it was enacted after the
1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
Q3. What is the Constitutional validity of Environment
protection Act 1986?
Ans: Article 253 of Constitution of India empowers
Parliament to make any law for the whole or any part of India to implement any
decision made at any international conference(1972 Stockholm conference).
Q4. Why Environment Protection Act is considered as Umbrella
Ans: It fills the gap in the previously made law and brings
all the existing environment related laws under the same Roof(Umbrella).
Q5. What is Environment Pollution according to Environment
Protection Act 1986?
Ans: The presence of pollutant(any solid, liquid or gaseous
substances present at such concentration which is injurious to living elements
in the environment) in the environment.