Burdwan University 3 years LL.B 2013 Law of Torts including Consumer protection and Motor Vehicle question and answers
Year 2013 Subject: Law of Torts including Consumer protection and Motor Vehicle Duration: 3 Hours ...

Year 2013
Subject: Law of Torts including Consumer protection and
Motor Vehicle
Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Group – A (Answer any three of the following)
1. Some jurists are of the view that there is as law of tort
but only Law of Torts. Explain with your view. Distinguish between Torts and Crime.
2. Comment upon the
liability of husband for the torts of his wife. Explain ‘Volenti non fit
injuria’ with case laws.
3. what is contributory Negligence? Is contributory
Negligence an absolute defence against an action of negligence? Explain “Res
ispa loqutor” with case law to prove negligence.
4. What is nuisance? What
are the differences between Private Nuisance and Public Nuisence? What
conditions are essential for constituting wrong of “Trespass ab initio” ?
Explain with reference to ‘Six Carpenters case’.
5. What is defamation? Explain the three terms ‘Assault’ , ‘Battery’,
‘Mayhem’ with example. How the ‘doctrine of Innuendo’ applied in an action of
6. Explain the maxim with the help of case (Any two of the
(a) Damnum fine
Injuria( Corrected : Damnum sine Injuria)
(b) Volenti non fit injuria
(c) Qui facti per alium facit perse.
Group – B (Answer any one of the following)
7. (Answer any five)
(a) Deficiency.
(b) Complainent.
(c) Goods.
(d) Service.
(e) National consumer council.
(g)Restrictive trade practice.
8. Discuss the composition and jurisdiction of the State
Commission and the District Forum under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Group – C (Answer any one of the following)
9. (Define any five of the following)
(a) Contract carriage
(b) Driving licence
(c) Area
(d) Gross vehicle weight
(e) Heavy Goods vehicle
(f) Light motor vehicle
(g) Conductor
10. Explain the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
relating to:
(a) Driving at excessive speed, etc.
(b) Driving by a drunken person or by a person under the
influence of drugs.
(c) Driving dangerously.