Building construction material cement Sand stone brick price in Kolkata India 2015-2016
Yesterday I was surfing the internet and one of my blog viewer asked me what is price of building materials at present. I could not give h...
Yesterday I was surfing the internet and one of my blog viewer
asked me what is price of building materials at present. I could not give him
the answer at that time but after visiting the local shop I got some idea. I have
never written any post previously regarding this topic so I have decided to
write about building materials price. One thing you need to know that prices
mentioned here are not fixed they can vary each day. Here I have given the
approximate price of Stone chip, Sand and cement price. You probably know that
there are two types of cement available. One is 43 grade and other is 53 grade.
The higher the cement grade the higher the price.
Updated price [2020-2021]
43 grade 50kg cement price = ~ ACC 390+ INR
~ Ultratech 350+ INR
River sand one 15ltr oil tin container = ~ 35 INR
Stone chip one 15ltr oil tin container = ~ 40 INR
Hope this post helped you somehow. You can also share your
local building construction material price so that others can get a good benefit
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