How to start poultry farming business in India with little investment || Poultry farming tutorial
Poultry farming is one of the best farming businesses available in India. Depending on your investment you can make a small, medium and la...
Poultry farming is one of the best farming businesses
available in India. Depending on your investment you can make a small, medium
and large poultry farm. Poultry farming can give you huge profit if you invest
your time and hard work properly. There is possibility of earning more than 6
lakhs per year depending on the size of your farm. Poultry farm business is not
so hard business; hard working, patience and little investment of your money
can bring success which you are looking for a long time. Though it has lots of
profit but it also has the possibility of getting loss.
Poultry farming business is gaining popularity as fast food
industries are gaining its popularity. You must haveheard of the names of big
fast food supply chain such as KFC, Dominos, Mc Donalds, Subway. They are the
biggest buyers of chicken. Some of them have their own poultry farm. You can
also sell your chicken to local market, ceremony etc. you won’t find any
difficulties to find a market for your chicken.
Here, from this tutorial you will learn how to start your
poultry farm business. To start poultry business you need to have land, a farm,
chicken, and food stock and maintenance worker. Managing all those things is somewhat
difficult. This tutorial will guide you how you can make over such small
Invest for your farm and search a good client:
When you think of makinf a farm, you first need to think of
the amount you can invest for your business. If you want to make a small farm
then more or less 2 lakhs is enough for your business. Money is not a problem now
a day to meke a firm business in India. You will always get financial help from
different banks in India. When you meet the financial need then your next job
is to find the market for your business. First you need to search for any
distributer who can distribute your product in market. There are huge fast foods
customers are there who are always willing to buy your products. Hotels are
also best buyers of chicken. Fulfilling customers need such as eggs and meat
you can earn sufficiently.
Home sweet home for your chicken:
The first step of making a poultry farm is to build a home
for your chicken. In this tutorial we are going to construct a farm for 100 chickens.
Dimension of the farm should be 55feet/25feet. Sample blueprint of chicken farm
is given below. You have to construct a farm where air flows properly. Air is
very important for your chicken as this may affect the health of your chicken. The
farm should have at least 6 different blocks. Here in this tutorial you will see
7 different blocks. Each block has its own importance. Each block must have a
temporary door with it. Your farm should be made in clean place and make sure
that drainage system is proper. Fence your farm with metal net. Block 7 and
block 3 is for temporary need such as to keep separate the infected chicken
from uninfected chicken.
Buy day-old baby chicken:
When you have a clear business planning in your mind then
you may step in buying baby chicken. You
can find different breeds of chicken. Choose the chickens that have highest
immune power. It takes a small chicken to turn into full grown chicken almost 6
to 8 weeks. Buy a day-old baby chicken for your farm. You may choose a broiler
chicken or egg chicken depending on the type of your business. Try to buy
breeds from hatcheries. Always remember new breed have higher diseases prevention
abilities. Suguna hatchery is one of the best hatcheries that give you best
day-old baby chicken.
Look after your Farm properly:
Looking after your chicken is the most important part in
poultry farm. If you cannot do it by yourself then employ a worker. Different growth
stage of chicken different look after is needed. The most important part of
look efter is feeding and cleaning. Provide your chicken a healthy food as you
want them to be healthy and full grown within 8 weeks. Next important thing is
cleaning. Your farm should be cleand around 2 days in a week. Use DDT and
mosquito repellant around your farm.
Your chicken can catch disease easily:
Most difficult part of poultry farming is disease control. During
the seasonal change different types of bacterial growth increases rapidly. Your
chicken may catch disease from bacteria, virus, fungi and fro pests. Bacteria and
viruses are mostly responsible for chicken diseases. Bacteria like Salmonella
and virus like Influenza are harmful ones. When you find this kind of
situation, try to arrange a quick medication for your chicken. Bird flu disease
can enter in your farm in following way such as from wild birds, polluted
water, from sick birds in your farm and from worker.
How to stop spreading disease in your poultry farm?
Maintaining some simple rules you can stop spreading disease
inside your farm.
- In the above blueprint you have seen block 1 and block 2. When entering block 1, wash your hands properly. Remove your outer cloths and wear clean footwear in block 2 (clean area).
- When you see any disease indication then arrange a quick medication. If any chicken dies remove that chicken quickly and deep burry it so that it may not spread to other chicken.
- Cleaning is another important part that you always need to look after properly. Feeding pan of chicken should be cleaned once in every week. Drainage system in your farm must be proper.
- Control outsider’s activity. Outsiders can be birds, parasites and even human being. Control outside vehicles activity inside your farm. Park your vehicle at most 100 meters away from your farm.