C program to concatenate two strings

/* Write a C program to read two strings and concatenate them *  * (without using library functions). Output the concatenated *  * string...

/* Write a C program to read two strings and concatenate them *
 * (without using library functions). Output the concatenated *
 * string along with the given string      */

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <conio.h>
 #include <string.h>

void main()
     char string1[20], string2[20];
     int i,j,pos;

     strset(string1, '\0'); /*set all occurrences in two strings to NULL*/

     printf("Enter the first string :");

     printf("Enter the second string:");

     printf("First string  = %s\n", string1);
     printf("Second string = %s\n", string2);

     /*To concate the second stribg to the end of the string
       travserse the first to its end and attach the second string*/

      for (i=0; string1[i] != '\0'; i++)
;      /*null statement: simply trvsering the string1*/

      pos = i;

      for (i=pos,j=0; string2[j]!='\0'; i++)
  string1[i] = string2[j++];

      string1[i]='\0';   /*set the last character of string1 to NULL*/

      printf("Concatenated string = %s\n", string1);
Enter the first string :CD-
Enter the second string:ROM
First string  = CD-
Second string = ROM
Concatenated string = CD-ROM


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